院校对比 院校对比


School of economics and management, Harbin Institute of Technology
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  • 电子邮箱: gxjiang@hit.edu.cn


姜广鑫,哈尔滨工业大学经济与管理学院管理科学与工程系教授,教育部青年长江学者。研究方向为随机模型与仿真、机器学习、金融工程与风险管理、金融科技等,多篇文章发表在管理领域著名期刊 Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Naval Research Logistics等曾荣获中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会青年学者最佳论文奖(一等奖)、郭本瑜青年学者优秀论文奖(二等奖)等奖项。目前担任中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会副秘书长、期刊 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 副编辑(Associate Editor)等职务。


  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,72171060,面向智能化风险管理的实时仿真决策方法研究,2022/01-2025/12,49万,在研,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71801148,数据驱动的动态金融风险度量研究,2019/01-2021/12,19万,在研,主持

  • 哈尔滨工业大学青年科学家工作室,2021/07-2024/07,100万,在研,主持

  • 哈尔滨工业大学人才引进配套经费,基于仿真分析的复杂金融资产风险实时监测研究,2020/01-2022/12,30万,在研,主持



  1. Guangxin Jiang, Michael C. Fu. Technical Note-On estimating quantile sensitivities via infinitesimal perturbation analysis, Operations Research, 2015, 63(2): 435-441. Paper.pdf

  2. Guangxin Jiang*, Chenglong Xu, Michael C. Fu. On sample average approximation algorithms for determining the optimal importance sampling parameters in pricing financial derivatives on Levy processes, Operations Research Letters, 2016, 44(1): 44-49. Paper.pdf

  3. Guangxin Jiang, Michael C. Fu. Quantile sensitivity estimation for dependent sequences, Journal of Applied Probability, 2016, 53(3): 715-732. Paper.pdf

  4. L. Jeff Hong*, Guangxin Jiang. Gradient and Hessian of joint probability function with applications on chance constrained programs. Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 2017, 5(3): 431-455. Paper.pdf

  5. Guangxin Jiang, Michael C. Fu*. Importance splitting for finite-time rare event simulation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018, 63(6): 1760-1767. Paper.pdf

  6. Xin Yun, L. Jeff Hong, Guangxin Jiang*, Shouyang Wang. On Gamma estimation via matrix kriging. Naval Research Logistics, 2019, 66(5): 393-410. Paper.pdf

  7. L. Jeff Hong, Guangxin Jiang*. Offline simulation online application: A new framework of simulation-based decision making. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 36(6): 1940015. Paper.pdf

  8. Guangxin Jiang, L. Jeff Hong, Barry L. Nelson. Online risk monitoring using offline simulation. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2020, 32(2): 356-375. Paper.pdf

  9. Zini Wang, Guangxin Jiang*, Qiang Ye. On fair designs of cross-chain exchange for cryptocurrencies via Monte Carlo simulation, Naval Research Logistics, 2021, DOI:10.1002/nav.21989. Paper.pdf


  1. Jiang G., Fu, M. C., Xu, C., 2014. Bias reduction in estimating quantile sensitivities. IFAC 2014 World Congress.

  2. Jiang G., Fu M. C., Xu C., 2015. Optimal importance sampling for simulation of Levy processes. The 2015 Winter Simulation Conference.

  3. Jiang G., Hong L. J., Nelson B. L., 2016. A simulation analytics approach to dynamic risk monitoring. The 2016 Winter Simulation Conference.

  4. Lam H., Jiang G., Fu M.C., 2018. On efficiencies of stochastic optimization procedures under importance sampling. The 2018 Winter Simulation Conference.

  5. Feng B., Jiang G., 2020. Reuse simulation outputs of repeated experiments via likelihood ration regression. The 2020 Winter Simulation Conference.

  6. Cai X., Yang Y., Jiang G., 2020. Online risk measure estimation via natural gradient boosting. The 2020 Winter Simulation Conference.


  1. Shengyi He, Guangxin Jiang, Henry Lam, Michael C. Fu. 2020. Adaptive importance sampling for efficient stochastic root finding and quantile estimation. Under Review. arXiv link

  2. L. Jeff Hong, Guangxin Jiang, Ying Zhong. 2021. Solving large-scale fixed-budget ranking and selection problems. Under Review. Researchgate Link

  3. Shing Chih Tsai, Jun Luo, Guangxin Jiang, Wei Cheng Yeh. 2020. Adaptive fully sequential selection procedures with linear and nolinear control variates. Under Review.


  • 2018年 郭本瑜青年学者优秀论文奖(二等奖)

  • 2019年 中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会青年学者最佳论文奖(一等奖)

  • 2019年 上海大学蔡冠深优秀青年教师

  • 2020年 Journal of Operations Research Society of China 最佳论文奖